Yngvê Oathkeeper

Yngvê Oathkeeper
Chaos Dwarf Blocker,
Blessed By Hashut team retired

   Draft List number: 3  

Value: 150,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Deflections: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 19  (3 were kills!)
MVP awards: 4
Unspent SPP: 12 (54)
Fouls: 0
Compl. seasons: 0





4 3 5+ 6+ 10+ Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow, Piling On, Pro, Dauntless, ?

Sustained Injuries: -AG, -AG


-- Blessed By Hashut has retired team retired --.

Yngvê was an regular citizens of the Zhaar-ziggurats, but one day he prayed to Hashut to gain great power, in pure arrogance, and Doubt of Hashuts existence, The god, cursed him for his arrogance and disturbing behavior, but instead of killing him he made Yngvê swear an oath, an oath to kill twenty induviduals whitout using any weapons, and do this before his own death then he would gain the power of the great taurus. If he died before his task was completed he was doomed to burn forever in another plane. Nubrakûl heard his story and asked him to join the team.
Yngvê greedily agreed to the invitation, as he saw it as his only chance to succeed whith his Oath.

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