Match result

Season 2½, II½ round 5
Chaos Chosen logo
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Slakthus 7

gate: 23 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
The Vermillion Vermin


Leviathan retired
TD Scorers
profile Skrattle Steerpike retired
profile Skrattle Steerpike retired
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

profile Black Thuldan Bounty (50000 gp)
profile Black Thuldan Bounty (50000 gp)
Badly Hurt'ers

mercenary / fans / random event

profile Parsley's Pet dead
Burble Bubonic dead

Kafziel dead
profile Black Thuldan Bounty (50000 gp)
profile Black Thuldan Bounty (50000 gp)
Completions by
profile Opus Fluke
profile Skrattle Steerpike retired
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Jewish retired
MVP awards to
Rottcodd Spogfrawn dead
Sustained Injuries

Kesef dead
Miss Next Game
profile Splint Sparrowmarsh

Malach Ha-Mavet retired
Niggling Injury
profile Parsley's Pet dead
profile Tendon Nitruz dead
victim healed by apoth
Result added August 26th, 2010

Match notes

MIDDENHEIM. Although the Vermillion Vermin won the game 2-1, it was a dark day for them. And not in a good way, that is. And I'm not talking about the weather either, as it was a perfectly nice day as 23.000 people (and more undefineable creatures) came to see this game. No, it was dark as they got totally crushed on the pitch...
The game started with the Lords of Destruction throwing a surprise blitz play before the vermin could move and moments later Black Thuldan knocked out Parsley's Pet... But then there was a shimmer of the Vermillion Vermin's greatness as thrower Opus Fluke pushed himself to the max, almost stumbling as he rushed 45 yards and the made a perfect shortpass to Skrattle Steerpike who could then easily run another 40 yards to score the games first touchdown.
But things started go downhill after Splint Sparrowmarsh was too sure of himself and failed to dodge past a beastman and fell so bad he gouged his eye and will be missing next week's final.
Shortly after they just barely stopped the chaos team from scoring by blitzing the ball carrier that was close to the end zone and then Skrattle Steerpike could scoop up the ball and rush to the midfield and pass the ball to Parsley... Unfortunately the linerat's bid for a touchdown was cut short as he in turn was taken down. But the time ran out on the Lords and the game was 1-0 in halftime.
The second half started with Uriel sent Burble Bubonic badly hurt off the pitch, some turns later Tendon Nitruz had to be saved from death by the team's veterinary, Dr Prunesquallor. While the good doctor was busy fixing the blitzer Black Thuldan killed the new rat ogre Parsley's Pet.
But with only 4 players on the pitch and Leviathan having the ball in his own zone Skrattle Steerpike managed an unbeliveable blitz, downing the beastman and taking the ball and rushing for the endzone. He managed to shake off the persuers to score his second touchdown of the game...
After the kick-off, Black Thuldan sent Tendon Nitruz off the pitch again, but this time his life could not be saved... marking the second death of the day. After that the battered Skaven just tried to survive, moving out of the way, letting Leviathan walk into the endzone unhindered to even out the score...
Even though the Vermillion Vermin won today, the were seriously outhit and with two of the team's brawn now dead and their best gutter runner sitting out the final it looks like an almost impossible feat they have before them. When asked about their chances, coach Dmitri Zigány replied: "there were very unfortunate losses in this game, but we are still undefeated in this league, and we intend to remain so. We will find a way". And the rest of us will have to wait and see.

- Manfred Steinbaum, Middenheim Mirror

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